Hot Flashes & Night Sweats"Help! I'm burning up!" "I feel like someone is pouring hot water over me!" 85% of women have hot flashes during peri-menopause and...
NIGHT SWEATS, HOT FLASHES, OH MYIt’s like lions & tigers & bears, NOT FUN! Sage, extract can help you if you still have hot flashes or night sweats even when using...
Question: My hot flashes are worse than ever in this heat! I’ve heard of a hot flash spray – can thaActually, it could. High temperatures very often trigger hot flashes for many women. These sprays contain peppermint oil. Peppermint is...
HOW TO EXPLAIN HOT FLASHES TO MEN!Exactly how do you explain hot flashes to a man? Put your hairdryer on the highest setting and chase him around the house! Just...