Adrenals are SO important to keep healthy. Why?
Your Adrenal glands are vital for energy production, fat burning and hormone production, especially after menopause.
Adrenals are the glands of stress and the first glands to fail under stressful conditions.
Adrenal Fatigue occurs when:
Daily stresses add up over time. The adrenals eventually become "exhausted" and stress tolerance declines dramatically. Your body loses its ability to respond to even moderate stress. Think of it as a "leaky boat", you have to "plug the hole" or you will sink! In our grandmother's day, adrenal fatigue was often called a "Nervous Breakdown"

Chronic fatigue
Lack of libido
Feeling overwhelmed
Environmental sensitivities
Premature menopause
Auto immune diseases
Rheumatoid arthritis
The first cases were seen in 1898 in France following a severe flu epidemic. And it has been ongoing ever since, reaching almost epidemic proportions. According to Dr. James Wilson, whom I call America’s Adrenal Doctor, "80% of Americans suffer from AF, the other 20% are in denial."
I find that adrenal fatigue is not properly diagnosed or treated. People wander from doctor to doctor looking for help that never comes!
Guess what?
If you have low adrenal function, even treating your hypothyroid will not alleviate all of your symptoms.
Dr. Wilson Says: At the beginning of adrenal fatigue, the disease is difficult to recognize but EASY to treat. At the end, the disease is easy to recognize but DIFFICULT to treat.
He says: "All peri-menopausal & menopausal women should be on adrenal supplements for at least 2-4 months". Prevention is Key!
If you can say: "After (event) I was never the same." It is most probable you have had an adrenal onslaught which has caused A.F.
Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms: Is this you?
Wake up tired
Everything takes more effort, you feel exhausted
Irritable most of the time
Muscle weakness (due to low cortisol/low testosterone)
Episodic energy (not consistent)
Crave high fat foods
Feel helpless
Dry, thin skin
Hair loss
Weight gain
Increased marital discord or relationship or family strife
Low libido
Crave salt & caffeine
Increased allergies
Liver spots
Hyperventilation: frequent sighing
Skin rashes
Adrenal Fatigue Energy Pattern
Best sleep is not at night but 7am-9am
You feel better after lunch
2-4 pm = low feelings or the Adrenal Fatigue “slump”
Around 6 pm you feel the best of the day
Aggravating Factors - These must change or you will not heal!
Constant life or work stress
Poor dietary habits
Unhappy relationships (work/home)
Lack of exercise of any type
Insufficient enjoyable activities
No control over how you spend your time
On Dr. Wilson's adrenal questionnaire, a score above 40 equals some degree adrenal fatigue
Email or call for a copy of the questionnaire! 877-880-0170
What to Do?

You should not feel like this in the morning
Get sleep: bad sleep & bad adrenals go together. The adrenals repair at night
Bed by 9-9:30 pm
No nightly news, no horror movies, no animals in the bed!
Lie down on breaks for 15-30 minutes (at 10 am & between 3-5) if at all possible
Alleviate the stressful situation (as best you can)
Laugh: Laughter enhances your parapathetic system
Chew food really well (30 times per mouthful)
Don't get out of bed until you think of something pleasant
Eliminate "energy suckers" from your life, including people
Increase protein intake: decrease carbs. (Vegans are difficult to heal from A.F.)
Eat regular meals. This is VERY helpful. (Email or call for the handout: How To Eat With Adrenal Fatigue 877 880-0170
Raise your salt intake. Put salt in water until it tastes good to great, then drink it
No fruit in the morning (Email for the handout “How To Eat for Adrenal Fatigue”)
Very mild exercise if you can (increases low cortisol, decreases high cortisol)
Spend some time with a friend
Take a daily "Joy Break"
MAKE A "Good for Me" / "Bad for Me" list:
Make 2 columns. In the next 6 months try to concentrate on the "Good for Me" listings. Slowly eliminate the "Bad for Me"
A.F. Treatment with Supplements
Excellent complete formulas by Dr. James Wilson will help.

For mild-moderate A.F.:
Super Adrenal Stress Formula
Adrenal C Formula
Separate nutrients:
Pregnenelone (precursor to adrenal hormones) 25 mg at night
Siberian Ginseng
For Severe A.F.:
Use these with the other supplements.
Adrenal Rebuilder - (By Dr. Wilson) contains glandular extracts which will replenish adrenals. 6 capsules daily for several months. Severe cases: take for 1 year.
Other Helpful Nutrients:
Melatonin - 3-6 mg at night
GABA - 200 mg or more (increases alpha brain waves)
Calming herbal teas: passion flower & lemon balm
Time Frame to Healing Adrenal Fatigue
Mild 6-9 months
Moderate 12-18 months
Severe 12-24 months
If you do not wish to purchase a complete formula, here are the separate healing nutrients.
Niacin - 125-150 mg/day
B6 - 150 mg/day
Vitamin C - 2000-5000 mg/day
Vitamin E - 800 IU/day
Calcium - 400 mg in the morning
Magnesium - 800 mg in the evening
Licorice (unless you have high blood pressure) It elevates cortisol levels and keeps receptor sites active
LAB TESTS for Cortisol levels
Blood - not a great way to test for Adrenal Fatigue
Best are urine & saliva
You can order your own tests from ZRT laboratories and have the results sent directly to you.
Email/call me and I’ll be happy to go over the report with you.
Beloveds, this is now an epidemic. Let's stop it now for you and your family!
I have a college aged son on a regimen of good adrenal support for the past two years. He definitely notices the difference. My husband and I do not miss a day of our adrenal support. It's too important! You can feel GREAT again! –Barbara Hoffman
Don' forget to email or call for the ADRENAL FATIGUE QUESTIONNAIRE:
(877) 880-0170