12 Very Surprising Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance
Anxiety, feeling of dread, apprehension & doom
Incontinence, especially upon sneezing and laughing
Itchy, crawly skin
Aching, sore joints and muscles
Bloat, gastrointestinal distress, indigestion, nausea and gas pain
Increase in allergies
Thinning hair or hair loss on head or body/increase in facial hair
Changes of body odor
Electrical shock sensation
Bleeding gums/gum problems
Soft or brittle fingernails
Tinnitus/ringing in the ears

We all know about Hot Flashes, Night Sweats & Vaginal dryness but take a look at these rather surprising symptoms. These symptoms can also be helped with natural Progesterone crème. Don’t accept these “Terrible Twelve” as oh, well, I’m just getting old. No, no, no….Its hormones!
1. Anxiety, feelings of dread, apprehension & doom The shifting levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone play a part in the mood swings and ups and downs that accompany PMS and pregnancy. During menopause, those same hormones fluctuate and free fall, often impacting moods and possibly amplifying any anxiety symptoms a woman already feels.
2. Incontinence, especially upon sneezing & laughing This can be a result of pressure or stress on the muscles and nerves that help you to hold or pass urine. Hormone changes could affect muscle strength. Estrogen helps keep the bladder and urethra healthy and functioning properly. As you near menopause, your estrogen levels begin dropping. This lack of estrogen may mean that your pelvic muscles are no longer able to control your bladder as they did before, and that urethral tissues may have weakened. As estrogen levels continue to drop throughout menopause and after, Urinary Incontinence may become worse.

3. Itchy Crawly Skin Hormones regulate the moisture levels of your tissues and stimulate the production of collagen. As the levels of hormones in your body fall, so does the amount of collagen and skin-moistening oils produced. Skin to become dry and irritated. You can find yourself scratching at all hours of the day. Progesterone helped me and it can help you, too. [if !supportLineBreakNewLine] [endif]
4. Aching Sore joints and muscles As you reach menopause, hormone levels drop or become imbalanced. This can result in swollen and painful joints. Hormones are important for regulating fluid levels in your body, and with falling levels, your body is unable to retain water efficiently. This dehydration can cause joint pain because of a buildup of uric acid which causes inflammation in your joints. I have seen women who thought they had arthritis become completely symptom-free when they began to use progesterone crème. Don’t suffer needlessly! [if !supportLineBreakNewLine] [endif]
5. Bloat, gastrointestinal distress, indigestion, nausea & gas pain Again, these can be caused by fluctuation in hormones. When hormone levels become erratic during perimenopause, so does the incidence of water retention, leading to bloating. Also, hormones influence the production of bile which aids in digestion and acts as a lubricant in the intestines. When hormone levels decrease as a result of menopause, this leads to a decrease in bile production. Stools in the small intestine can become dry, hard, and accumulate due to the lack of lubrication, leading to constipation and bloating. Who need that?
6. Increase in allergies Because the ovaries no longer produce normal levels of hormones during menopause, the adrenal glands usually pick up the slack—this leads to adrenal fatigue. When the adrenals are depleted, it leads to increased sensitivity to various foods and environmental elements, which are often expressed as allergies.
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7. Thinning hair or hair loss on head or body / increase in facial hair Hair loss during menopause is caused by the decrease in hormone levels. With an imbalance between estrogen & progesterone, testosterone takes over and either causes hair to grow back sparsely or thinner than before. The disproportionate levels of testosterone can also lead to growth in facial hair.
8. Changes in body odor When your hormone levels drop, a new type of sweat is released from the apocrine glands. It contains fatty acids that bacteria feed on, causing changes in body odor that are unique for each woman. You may like your new smell (mine was like a “cookie”, not too bad), or you may not like it. Progesterone can help re-balance you.
9. Electrical shock sensations Hormone fluctuation impacts the nervous system. Research suggests that it is the misfiring of neurons caused by hormone imbalance that leads to the feeling of electric shocks during menopause. These shocks are often precursors to hot flashes. Nasty!
10. Bleeding gums / gum problems Declining hormone levels are the primary cause of gum problems in menopause. Hormones affect the gums, the salivary glands, mouth joints, and jawbones. This can lead to increased ri gingivitis, irritation, inflammation, and bleeding of the gums.

11. Soft or brittle fingernails Fingernails are made from a hard substance called keratin, which is produced by special cells at the root of the nail bed. When hormones fluctuate during menopause, the keratin layer is weakened and the nails may become weak and easily breakable. Another issue that contributes to brittle nails is dehydration—as discussed previously in #4, when hormone levels decline, your body may not be retaining enough water for healthy nails to grow. Now you have aching joints AND brittle nails.
12. Tinnitus / ringing in the ears The feeling of a ringing or buzzing sensation in the ear is a less common .problem, but still one that researchers have associated with menopause. Causes include the use of HRT (hormone replacement therapy), uses of medication such as Prozac and aspirin, or even other menopausal symptoms like hot flashes or night sweats. Bio-identical progesterone and also the hormone melatonin have been shown to relieve tinnitus.
Wow! These are 12 strange symptoms that you may be accepting because you think you are “Getting Old” No, no no! Hormone balance to the Rescue!
Visit the website to get your Hormone Crème!
Call me if you need more help!