Using Natural Progesterone to Prevent Breast CancerMuch confusion reigns in the relationship of hormones to breast cancer. Most experienced clinicians understand that estrogen is a...
Progesterone Made Easy Pt. 1Two recent studies of progesterone supplementation show that it can promote multiple health benefits, including balancing blood sugar...
Progesterone Made Easy pt. IIHere you go, friends... More Wonderful News about Progesterone, the "Feel Good" Hormone! Progesterone and your brain suggestions The...
Avoid XenoestrogensXenoestrogens are "FAKE" estrogens that can enter the body and cause sever hormone imbalance. We can't avoid them all... but we can do...
Using Progesterone with Birth Control Patches and PillsAn interview with Dr. David Zava A common question is whether it’s OK to use progesterone cream while taking contraceptive pills or...
7 Things You Should Know about Estrogen Dominance[if !supportLists]Estrogen Dominance refers to the state where the key hormones estrogen and progesterone are not in balance and estrogen...
Sluggish Gland QuizYou may have slow thyroid if… You’re sensitive to the cold You have frequent blue moods You have persistent fatigue You’ve gained more...
Where, oh Where is my Hormone Help?"I cannot find a doctor who knows about Bio-identical Hormones OR I cannot afford the office visit. Is there anything I can do myself to...
How can Progesterone help you?Today I have a wonderful question that I was asked this week and I'd like to share it with you. The lady asked "Why will just using...
Hormone Study UpdateHORMONE STUDY UPDATE! Okay, friends....the "jig is up" for synthetic hormones. The WHI study in 2002 showed that synthetic...