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Barbara Hoffman's
Hope for Your Hormones

"Balance Your Hormones... Balance Your Life"
For More Information Watch Barbara's 300+ YouTube Videos You Can Find HERE

Do I Need Progesterone?
Barbara, do I need Progesterone? How do I know? Here are the symptoms of Progesterone Deficiency: Breast Tenderness / Fibrocystic...

Side Effects of Synthetic Hormones
Synthetic Hormones are prescribed with regularity for those of you in peri menopause and menopause. Synthetic hormones are composed of...

8 Myths About Menopause You Can Stop Believing Right Now
Hello, friends. I have been helping women with their perimenopause and menopausal questions and issues for over 25 years and I can tell...

Endometriosis: Endometriosis is a condition that causes tissues of the endometrium (uterine lining) to grow outside of the uterus. This...

How do I Know if I have Low Progesterone
Barbara: “Chances are, if you are between ages 35-45, your progesterone is now low.” See the chart below: Signs of low Progesterone if...

Curb Over Eating…Naturally!
Do you find yourself routinely eating more then you mean to? Struggle with weight gain because you can’t exercise “portion control?”...

10 Shocking Symptoms of Menopause
Hot flashes are just one well-known sign. Most women expect them. But lower hormone levels can yield some symptoms that women do not...

How can I Dodge Vacation Pounds?
Q: I recently lost 23 pounds and can’t wait to go on a cruise with my husband. I plan on having a great time – and that’s going to...

Adrenal Fatigue & DHEA
DHEA is one of the androgenic hormones secreted by the Adrenal glands. Levels of DHEA become depressed when you have Adrenal Fatigue. ...

"Peri" Doesn't Need to be Scary
“Peri” doesn’t need to be scary! You can actually have an enjoyable Perimenopause… During perimenopause, hormones are fluctuating;...

Craving Vs. Hunger
Cravings, Cravings…or is it just Hunger? One is normal and one can be a “Beast”. Let’s talk about Hunger vs Cravings Hunger usually...
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