Beat the Yeast Beast: Solving Candida
What is Candida Albicans?
Candida Albicans is a yeast-like infection that usually inhibits the intestine and genital tracts. It can also be found in the mouth and throat. In severe cases Candida can get into the lungs.
Candida is a living organism which excretes toxic waste. Yuck! This can lead to a variety of symptoms including:
Yeast infections
Poor digestion
Bloating, gassy feeling after eating
Poor elimination, constipation
Sugar and carbohydrate cravings
Head pain / brain fog
Skin rashes
Athlete’s foot
Contributing Factors:
Diet of excessive sugar and carbohydrates
Oral contraceptives
Chemicals found in today's food and drink
Several rounds of antibiotics
In a normal healthy body, the immune system and the "friendly bacteria" that inhabit the intestinal tract keep Candida over-growth under control. However, in today's polluted and stressful environment, and with less than perfect dietary habits, the immune system can be compromised. When our immune system is weak, or we have taken a series of antibiotics, the natural balance of our body is disturbed. Antibiotics are prescribed to eliminate unhealthy bacteria in the body. However, they also eliminate healthy or "good" bacteria, enabling the Candida organism to multiply unchecked.
AVOID oral contraceptives or cortisone products.
Also: aged cheeses, alcohol, chocolate, dried fruits, fermented foods, all grains containing gluten, ham, honey, nut butters, pickles, raw mushrooms, soy sauce, sprouts, sugars of all forms, vinegar, and all yeast products. Eliminate citrus and acid fruits (orange, grapefruit, lemons, tomatoes, pineapple, and limes), until all signs of candida are gone for 3 months.
Limit daily carbohydrate/sugar intake - Sugar feeds Candida, so it is important to minimize the total carbohydrate content of one's diet. During the first 2 to 3 weeks of the program, it is recommended that carbohydrate intake be restricted to 20 to 60 grams per day. As symptoms disappear, the carbohydrate total can gradually increase.
Nutritional Supplements & Treatments for Candida
Kyolic garlic capsules: three times per day.
Capricin (cayenne pepper): three times per day.
Tea Tree Oil: Clean genital area morning and evening with tea tree oil (an anti-bacterial oil). Dilute 8 ounces warm distilled water with 8 drops of tea tree oil. Clean with a cloth.
Yogurt: Eat daily, as much as you can, as long as it has live, active cultures! These beneficial bacteria also help to restore the microbial balance within the digestive tract.
Magnesium: A deficiency in Magnesium is often found in patients with Candida. Magnesium deficiency can cause or exacerbate a number of symptoms that are seen in patients with Candida, including anxiety, depression, headaches, and irritability.
Selenium: Selenium deficiency results in an impaired immune response to Candida Albicans. Some patients observed an improvement in oral candidiasis while supplementing with 400 micrograms per day of selenium for 70 days. Based on these observations, it would seem reasonable to include selenium as part of a nutritional program for patients with Candida.
Zinc: Studies show that zinc supplementation can result in increased resistance to the infection.
Fiber: One teaspoon to one tablespoon of soluble fiber can be mixed in an 8 oz glass of water and taken two times per day on an empty stomach.
Probiotics: Lactobacilli and other probiotics bacteria are normal inhabitants of the mouth, gastrointestinal tract, and vagina. Probiotics help prevent Candida by producing compounds that inhibit the growth of Candida albicans. Administration of various Lactobacillus strains has been shown in studies to enhance recovery from Candida vaginitis and to prevent recurrences.
Oral Hygiene
Change toothbrushes every 30 days as mold and fungus will tend to grow over prolonged use. Rinse your toothbrush daily with a good food grade hydrogen peroxide (H202) to kill bacteria on the brush as well as in the mouth. After rinsing the toothbrush with H202 do not wash off with water, apply tooth paste directly to brush.
Get lots of rest and try to avoid stress! Melatonin will help with sleep and Rhodiola helps moderate stress response.
Call or email for our Candida Self Analysis Test if you want to test yourself to see if you may have Candida: 877-880-0170