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The Top 5 Most “Googled” Questions About Menopause!

Menopause can be confusing, frustrating, worrisome and uncertain; it's little wonder that the internet is chock full of information about the experience. Much of it leads to even more confusion & can also be totally incorrect. Many of you turn to the Internet for answers when a doctor is unable to help you.

However, the problem with “Googling” is that it can sometimes be overwhelming in knowing where to start & what to believe.

Let me help you sift through the vast amounts of data in your quest for answers!

So, what are the 5 of the most frequently Googled questions about menopause? Here they are:


Menopausal symptoms can begin months or even years before your periods stop, and they typically begin to occur in your 40’s. This transitional stage is called “perimenopause,” but the symptoms are the same as menopause.

Here are some of the most common symptoms you may experience:

Irregular periods

Hot flashes

Trouble sleeping

Vaginal dryness

Changes in sex drive

Mood changes

Problems with memory and concentration

Weight gain


Joint aches and pain

Don’t just chalk these up to: “Oh, I’m getting old!” No, no! Hormone balance can keep you young & vibrant. These can all be corrected by using bio-identical progesterone crème….that can be purchased without a prescription.


Vaginal dryness can not only cause pain and discomfort during sex but also cause you to itch or excuse yourself to the restroom more often. There are things you can do to help combat dryness without using the Premarin vaginal crème that doctors love to prescribe (which is made from horse urine, by the way!)

Estriol Vaginal Suppositories: They work quickly and efficiently, and do NOT have to be used for life…just until the dryness and/or incontinence resolves. These are made by a doctor and they are VERY safe.

(Not available online - Call to order! (877)-880-0170)

DHEA suppositories (for those who do not want to use estrogen): The SAME strength as the prescription IntraRosa. These are $25 for 15 suppositories, compared to IntraRosa, which is $231 for 28 (plus however much the Doctor visits cost). WOW! Big difference!

Vital-Vulva: This is purely an herbal relief and is applied to the delicate skin of the vulvar area which can become dry, thin & irritated.

● Just want to use a lubricant? Try Replens. This is the only one I know that has some healing properties for the vaginal tissue.

Try to avoid perfumed soaps or washes in and around your vagina, and do not put creams or lotions like petroleum jelly inside, either! And NO Crisco, as one of my writers told me her doctor recommended. YIKES! Crisco?!


Some women are prone to hot flashes, some are not. Women who suffer from them know that they can come on at different frequencies and intensities. However, you can help control hot flashes by using progesterone crème & avoiding trigger foods, (such as spicy foods, alcohol and caffeine), AND lots more. I have an entire handout on handling hot flashes if you would like to write for it. To reassure you, they are NOT life threatening & may actually indicate good vessel health. That being said, no individual should have to experience something so uncomfortable and irritating without natural help.

It is recommended that women continue to use some form of birth control until they have gone one full year without a period if they do not wish to get pregnant. But the patch, pill, or hormone-laden IUDs are not suggested as women go into their late 40s. This is due to the high levels of estrogen in these forms of birth control which increases the risk of blood clots. So, what to do? The safest options for women are the man using condoms, or if he receives a vasectomy. Alternatively, a copper IUD is a hormone free method (if you are comfortable using an IUD). Other hormone-free options include contraceptive sponges. These are devices that contain spermicide. One is inserted in the vagina before sex to prevent pregnancy; it “kills” sperm and stops them from entering the uterus.


Many women report sleep disturbances (insomnia) around the time of menopause. Melatonin levels drop, often drastically, plus you have hot flashes & night sweats contributing to your inability to sleep. So, you toss and turn. There are other factors that occur during menopause that also contribute to insomnia: stress, anxiety, depression, leg cramps, and cortisol disruption. Cortisol is supposed to be low at night and high in the morning, but during perimenopause and menopause, it is possible that your cortisol has done a “flip-flop.” Hormone balance, cortisol regulation, and use of melatonin can restore normal sleeping patterns. I am speaking from experience! I did it, and so can you! Now, I sleep 8 hours every night. It’s wonderful!

These were my answers to the 5 MOST Googled menopause questions. If you have more, you know where to find me.

Also, I have an FAQ section on my website I am here to help!

If you need more help email me!

Love you!



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