Your Brain – 10 Years Younger!
If your big fear about growing old is that your memory might fade, you’re not alone. For 75% of us, the thought of developing dementia or Alzheimer’s disease is our number-one worry. The good news: Dozens of studies prove that it’s possible to stop – and even reverse – brain aging, cutting your risk of dementia by 65% or more, and helping your brain function as if it were 10 years younger!

Older can be better
Researchers at Columbia University examined the brain’s memory hubs of subjects ages 14-79 and found that even the oldest brains produced as many new cells as young ones. There’s nothing to say that we can’t keep getting better & better!
Restore Your Remarkable Memory! Yes, you can prevent:
Cognitive Decline
Memory Loss
6 Enemies of a Healthy Brain
Sleep Deprivation
Poor Nutrition
Physical Laziness
Lack of sun
PS: Take PS
Thanks to its brain-healthy fats, British researchers say 100mg. to 200mg. of phosphatidylserine (PS) daily helps women feel as sharp as they did 12 years earlier. Try Jarrow Formulas PS100.

PS100 (Phosphatidylserine)
Don’t forget your Progesterone!
The brain is greatly affected by the delicate balance of neurotransmitters and hormones.
Benefits of Progesterone for the Brain:
Enhances & nourishes GABA receptor sites
A natural anti-anxiety agent
Helps eliminate brain fog
Regulates cognition, mood, & brain regeneration
May improve outcomes from traumatic brain injury, stoke, and other neurological disorders by reducing swelling and helps motor & functional recovery

ProHELP Moisture Creme
What else?
For Brain Energy, Speed & Function:
Progesterone: 40-80mg /day
Phosphatidylserine (PS100) 100-300mg/day
Pregnenolone: 10-25 mg/day
L-Theanine ( found in our Zen Mind)
DHEA 10-25 mg/day Called the Hormone of Youth
L-Tyrosine 500-1000 mg/day: Increases dopamine
Vitamin B6 25mg ( Found in our Rodex Forte)
For Alzheimer’s / Dementia Prevention:
Rodex Forte
Phosphatylserine (PS100) 100-300mg/day
Vitamin C+E – in combination may help a 78% reduction of Alzheimer’s dementia
Green Tea – enhances memory

Walk around
Walk briskly for 20 minutes daily, and your dementia risk could drop 65%, suggests a study in the journal Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy. Brisk walking keeps your lungs strong and healthy, maximizing the amount of brain-nourishing oxygen that they can absorb with every breath.
Enjoy avocados!

These superfruits are packed with a compound (lutein) that fuels brain-cell growth, plus fats that block plaque formation inside brain arteries. No wonder British researchers say eating a medium avocado daily can cut dementia risk up to 55%, plus help your brain function as if it were 10 years younger!
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