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Barbara Hoffman's
Hope for Your Hormones

"Balance Your Hormones... Balance Your Life"
For More Information Watch Barbara's 300+ YouTube Videos You Can Find HERE

Progesterone and Estrogen for the Face
HORMONES FOR THE FACE: Really? Yes ladies, in Europe women have access to estrogen and progesterone in their skin care products. That is...

Rejuvenate Aging Hands… Naturally!
Hands feeling dry, old and “tired” looking? It’s time to step up with some hand love! Ladies, we pay so much attention to our face &...

Curb Over Eating…Naturally!
Do you find yourself routinely eating more then you mean to? Struggle with weight gain because you can’t exercise “portion control?”...

Feeling Depressed or Anxious? Or Both?
There is a natural combo that can help: 5-HTP and L-Tyrosine Depressed? Combining L-Tyrosine with 5-HTP can restore emotional balance....

Coffee Prolongs Life... YES its TRUE!!
HELLO COFFEE DRINKERS! It turns out that you are REALLY Smart! Are you a lover of that “cup o’ joe”? Good for you! Health professionals...

Sleep – we know we need it, but too often it’s the first thing we neglect when we are under deadlines, stress or crunched for time. Our...

Hello, Friends! This is a serious topic. I get daily calls & emails describing your anxiety/panic. It’s epidemic, especially in my...

10 Shocking Symptoms of Menopause
Hot flashes are just one well-known sign. Most women expect them. But lower hormone levels can yield some symptoms that women do not...

Where to Apply Progesterone Creme
Hello, friends! I get so many emails from women who are using a progesterone crème and say “It isn’t working”. When I ask where they are...

How can I Dodge Vacation Pounds?
Q: I recently lost 23 pounds and can’t wait to go on a cruise with my husband. I plan on having a great time – and that’s going to...

DHEA for Libido
Hello, friends: I get soooo many emails about low libido and dryness. Well, they go hand in hand. If you are extremely dry, or even...
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