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Barbara Hoffman's
Hope for Your Hormones
"Balance Your Hormones... Balance Your Life"
For More Information Watch Barbara's 300+ YouTube Videos You Can Find HERE
9 Unexpected Symptoms of Menopause
NINE signs of Menopause that you may not know and sometimes makes you panic! Ladies, they are normal. Menopause, which hits women between...
STRESS in Overdrive?
Are you tired, but WIRED? If so, this is due to stress-overdrive! Stress is public enemy number one. Excess Cortisol levels can change /...
What is Estrogen Dominance?
Estrogen dominance is the state of the body when the normal ratio or balance of estrogen to progesterone is changed either by excess...
Hot Flashes and Menopause: More Help
Siberian rhubarb to the Rescue. Clinical studies, you all know I have to see studies, have demonstrated that 1 tablet (4 mg) daily offers...
Do I Need Progesterone?
Barbara, do I need Progesterone? How do I know? Here are the symptoms of Progesterone Deficiency: Breast Tenderness / Fibrocystic...
Side Effects of Synthetic Hormones
Synthetic Hormones are prescribed with regularity for those of you in peri menopause and menopause. Synthetic hormones are composed of...
Insomnia From Menopause/Hysterectomy
Women who are going through menopause VERY frequently complain of sleep problems in addition to other typical symptoms such as hot...
Your Brain – 10 Years Younger!
If your big fear about growing old is that your memory might fade, you’re not alone. For 75% of us, the thought of developing dementia or...
Vaginal Estrogen
Barbara, I am so confused. My provider wants me to use vaginal estrogen cream for the dryness I have been experiencing. But then my...
Barbara Hoffman's 12 Step Menopause Program
Hello Ladies, menopausal? You can MANAGE menopause with my targeted 12 steps. Follow Barbara’s 12 Step Menopause Program! 1. No...
Ovarian Cysts - Let's Talk
Ovarian Cysts – Let’s talk. They are very common! But women get frightened when they hear the word “cyst” and doctors can over-react. So...
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