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Barbara Hoffman's
Hope for Your Hormones
"Balance Your Hormones... Balance Your Life"
For More Information Watch Barbara's 300+ YouTube Videos You Can Find HERE
Safe hormone balance?
Hormones, hormones, hormones…there is always someone warning you to stop your hormones. “You’d better get off those.” Well ladies if...
35 Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance
We have all heard about Hot Flashes and Night Sweats, but did you know that there are 33 other symptoms of Hormone Imbalance? Yes, 35...
Your Mind, But YOUNGER!
If your big fear about growing old is a fading memory, you are not alone. For 75% of us, the thought of developing dementia or...
Menopause Beauty Routine - A Makeover?
Better Skin after 50? Yes, it is possible! But, your beauty routine may need an overhaul. Ladies: We all care about our skin. As we age,...
Say "NO!" To Neck Aging
Hi, my lovely ladies! Barbara here. Getting older as women means many things, including changes in our bodies, our hair, and our SKIN!...
What Is the Age Of Menopause?
Hello, ladies! If you’re wondering when menopause might start for you, you are not alone. Many women have asked me this question,...
Help! My Progesterone Is "Not Working!"
"Dear Barbara, I am using progesterone and it is not working!" Ladies, I receive these emails and I want to help you. As you know, I...
Anxiety & Depression
Hello, friends! Are you feeling depressed, anxious, or both? There is a combination of supplements that may benefit you: 5-HTP coupled...
Weight Loss: Skip the Scale!
As women, we know how easy it is to obsess over our bodies and our weight. The number on the scale is a nasty source of stress for so...
The Hormone, Brain, & Weight Connection
Today’s topic: Weight! I have been studying weight loss for many years now. Did you know?...There is a direct connection between your...
DHEA & Belly Fat
Are you looking for help with weight loss? DHEA is an essential tool. Studies have shown that being overweight correlates with low DHEA...
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